Winter Smoothie for Staying Healthy with a Pinch of Cayenne
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Winter Smoothie for Staying Healthy with a Pinch of Cayenne

Winter is just around the corner, bringing with it the cold and flu season. And while we love winter smoothies that give you wonderful aromas and great flavors reminding you of nostalgic tastes such as the Merry Christmas Smoothie, Santa’s Smoothie and the Eggnog Smoothie, we felt a more healthful choice was better so you can avoid the colds…

Avocado Blueberry Smoothie

Avocado Blueberry Smoothie

This recipe is from the California Avocado Commission. I added this because I love avocados and blueberries, but even I must admit this seems like a very strange pairing. Avocado-Blueberry Power Smoothie: Your Morning Brain Boost My mornings changed when I discovered this nutrient-packed smoothie combination. After studying nutrition and experimenting with countless smoothie recipes,…

Avocado & Berry Smoothie Recipe

Avocado & Berry Smoothie Recipe

Avocado-Berry Bliss: My Hawaiian-Inspired Morning Ritual (With Complete Nutrition Guide) I must sadly admit that I only discovered my love of avocados a few years ago after a trip to Hawaii. But I have made up for the lack of avocado recipes in my life since by eating my weight in guacamole. And more recently…

Avocado Banana Smoothie Recipe

Avocado Banana Smoothie Recipe

I discovered this smoothie combo during my quest for a filling breakfast that wouldn’t leave me hungry by 10 AM. The moment I added avocado to my usual banana smoothie, everything changed! The creamy texture and sustained energy got me hooked Creamy Avocado-Banana Breakfast Bliss: My Go-To Morning Energizer I have to admit when I…